Saturday, July 7, 2007


Is it just me, or are specialty clothing boutiques getting better… and more plentiful? It is a type of shopping that has not always interested me. In the past, I felt (in general) the variety is slim, the prices are high, and with sales associates giving you the once over, I just wanted to move on. Happening upon just the right boutique for me rarely happened, and when it did I was on vacation, far from home, never to return again~

The whole experience has evolved. After having lived through the heat of the mass produced everything I have finally reached my limit, and it seems I am not alone, from the numbers of clothing boutiques springing up all around me- of all varieties- women, men, children, and pets are all covered in great little boutiques catering just to the customer. (Not to mention the great online boutiques)

I am now a full blown boutique shopper- mainly thanks to my favorite nearby boutiques. I just love a little shop in Pleasanton called Passionate Athlete. I head downtown now, instead of the mall, every time I need a gift, or some Keen shoes, or a swimsuit or……. etc…

And Oh, how I adore OrgHipChick! (it is online too! This boutique opened on a quiet little main street in Livermore California, in 2005. Surrounded by vineyards, a small Mayberry type town was not exactly the type of town I would expect this boutique in, but the owner, Tanya Tyson, saw the master plan of the city and knew it would fit perfectly- she was right- only 2 years later and that sleepy little town has grown and developed in to a hip, and thriving jewel of a place.

OrgHipChick if I had to define it is Ballerina meets Berkeley (the name came from Organic Hip Chick) It has so many lines that I love, like:

Velvet * Splendid * Ella Moss * True Religion * Pete *( and my new favorite) Wednesday*.

Tanya seems to be buying just for me! Everything is soft (yes everything!) and sophisticated- Her inventory in constantly updating and growing. Her staff is efficient and helpful, and the second you walk in the door you know you want to stay! I was in the shop the other day, when a random customer exclaimed “I JUST LOVE THIS STORE”….I couldn’t have said it better!

I would love hearing about your favorite boutiques, and clothing lines- Please share:)

Is it just me, or are specialty clothing boutiques getting better… and more plentiful? It is a type of shopping that has not always interested me. In the past, I felt (in general) the variety is slim, the prices are high, and with sales associates giving you the once over, I just wanted to move on. Happening upon just the right boutique for me rarely happened, and when it did I was on vacation, far from home, never to return again~

The whole experience has evolved. After having lived through the heat of the mass produced everything I have finally reached my limit, and it seems I am not alone, from the numbers of clothing boutiques springing up all around me- of all varieties- women, men, children, and pets are all covered in great little boutiques catering just to the customer. (Not to mention the great online boutiques)

I am now a full blown boutique shopper- mainly thanks to my favorite nearby boutiques. I just love a little shop in Pleasanton called Passionate Athlete. I head downtown now, instead of the mall, every time I need a gift, or some Keen shoes, or a swimsuit or……. etc…

And Oh, how I adore OrgHipChick! (it is online too! This boutique opened on a quiet little main street in Livermore California, in 2005. Surrounded by vineyards, a small Mayberry type town was not exactly the type of town I would expect this boutique in, but the owner, Tanya Tyson, saw the master plan of the city and knew it would fit perfectly- she was right- only 2 years later and that sleepy little town has grown and developed in to a hip, and thriving jewel of a place.

OrgHipChick if I had to define it is Ballerina meets Berkeley (the name came from Organic Hip Chick) It has so many lines that I love, like:

Velvet * Splendid * Ella Moss * True Religion * Pete *( and my new favorite) Wednesday*.

Tanya seems to be buying just for me! Everything is soft (yes everything!) and sophisticated- Her inventory in constantly updating and growing. Her staff is efficient and helpful, and the second you walk in the door you know you want to stay! I was in the shop the other day, when a random customer exclaimed “I JUST LOVE THIS STORE”….I couldn’t have said it better!

I would love hearing about your favorite boutiques, and clothing lines- Please share:)